Topic: Payments
What is a cross rate & how to derive one
The US dollar (USD) is the currency against which all other currencies are priced. Any exchange rate that does not involve the USD is considered a “cross rate.”
How to streamline your firm’s accounts payable
During these challenging times, every penny counts and streamlining your firm’s accounting processes can save a lot of pennies.
Why using only US dollars can cost you
American dollars are accepted widely across the world, but it’s common to forget there are benefits that come with using other currencies.
Write-off or re-bill? The costly question for law firms
Foreign exchange is a common cause of financial loss for law firms, resulting in re-billing or writing off—and it can add up.
Who uses international payment services?
From small businesses to families and Americans abroad, more and more people rely on international payments services.
Five ways to help save on international transactions
Foreign payments can add up for your business. Use these five tips to avoid unnecessary fees and maintain your bottom line.
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